The newly formed Skyline College Veterans Resource Center (VRC) Advisory Committee met for the first time on Thursday, September 29, 2013, to discuss the resources available to Skyline College’s military veteran population, which consists of approximately 123 student veterans. The committee is comprised of Skyline College faculty, staff, student veterans, and community partners that are involved with veterans at both our campus and the community. A couple of the distinguished committee members are San Mateo County Community College District Board of Trustees President Karen Schwarz and Skyline College Dean of Student Services Dr. John Mosby.
Back Row (Left to Right): John Mosby, Amory Cariadus, Jarrod Feiner, Gerardo Valencia, Karen Schwarz, Dan Evenhouse, and Carolyn Livengood.
Front Row (Left to Right): Eric Larson, Silvia Martinez, Gustavo Andrade, and Joyce Lee.
The mission of the VRC Advisory Committee is to provide advice and support for services and programs designed to facilitate the smooth transition of military veterans and to promote overall veteran student success. Additionally, the committee will assist in opening up a dialogue between veterans and non-veterans. The committee has already identified a few programs and services to implement and improve at Skyline College. Among these programs/services identified are establishing a veterans-focused orientation and a peer support/mentorship program for veterans.
The formation of this committee comes at a crucial time since military downsizing and the high monthly housing allowance of the bay area attracts many veterans to migrate to the bay area to use their educational benefits at institutions of higher learning. All veterans, regardless of branch of service and occupation, come from a very structured environment and can face many difficulties transitioning back into society. Skyline College can provide them not only an opportunity to advance their education, but also arm them with the tools necessary to transition back to society and become integral members of our community.
Aricle by Gustavo Andrade, Photo by Jazmena Bannag.