Skyline College is the winner of The California Community Colleges Board of Governors Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Award in the Faculty/Student Initiatives category. The Award was presented for The Green Gorillas: Student-led Waste Diversion Project, created under the leadership of Dr. Carina Anttila-Suarez, Professor of Biology. The students won $2500 in funding to implement the Green Gorillas project at the Be the Light of Change Sustainability contest last year, where their team presented the project.
The Skyline View reported that, “…The aim of this project was to enhance the efficiency in garbage disposal at Skyline. An eight-week study would be conducted to see how Skyline disposes of its waste and how we could make the process better. Also teams of students, …aptly named Green Gorillas would be trained to help others properly dispose of their waste.”
In another category, Proposition 39 – Self‐Generation, Cañada College was named winner for their Solar PV Installation
Congratulations to Skyline College – faculty, staff, students and especially the Green Gorillas – but great kudos and thanks go to Vice Chancellor José Nuñez and his Facilities, Operations, Maintenance team who work so hard to support and often lead our efforts in sustainability.
Article by Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud