In Ceremonies held at the United Way of the Bay Area’s Annual Regional SparkPoint Retreat, SparkPoint at Skyline College received a Certificate of Recognition from the State of California Senate stating, “SparkPoint at Skyline College has allowed many low-income families to be able to move from poverty to financial stability allowing for positive outcomes such as a livable income, good credit scores, the building of one’s savings, and reducing debt to below 40% of monthly income; therefore, be it resolved by Senator Ellen Corbett, that SparkPoint at Skyline College is commended on their long and distinguished record of community assistance and positive influence in the State of California.” Senator Ellen Corbett, District 10.
More great news from the retreat is that SparkPoint at Skyline College won a $5000 prize in the 2014 SparkPoint Challenge (among the eleven regional SparkPoint Centers located throughout the Bay Area) for serving the highest percentage of clients to achieve at least one long-term goal leading to financial self-sufficiency.
Finally, to expand the model which SparkPoint services are based upon, the Lumina Foundation’s Achieving the Dream (ATD) has been tasked with coordinating the expansion of the model (Working Families Success Network – formerly Centers for Working Families) in additional states across the nation. SparkPoint at Skyline College was selected by ATD and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office as the coordinating college in California which includes Cabrillo College, Cañada College and Porterville College. This three year grant award ($300,000) begins July 2014 and ends June 2017.
For more information about the model, please visit the Achieving the Dream Website at
Article & Photos by Dr. William Watson