Lasana Hotep, Dean of Student Equity and Support Programs, and Lauren Ford, Campus Recruiter, attended the National Council on Black American Affairs’ Leadership Development Institute in Baltimore, MD on October 16 through October 20.
During this week long immersion, participants heard the best practices from current and former college presidents and senior administrators. Topics discussed ranged from the Politics of Budgeting, Changes in Higher Education, Perspectives from Community College Administrators, and How to Be an Effective Candidate. Leadership Development Institute attendees hailed from New York, Florida, Texas, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Arizona, Wisconsin, & Tennessee.
The National Council on Black American Affairs (NCBAA) believes in the development of full human potential, encourages lifelong learning for all people and acknowledges the worth of the individual. They also believe in the power of unity and the influence of the collective voice of NCBAA across community college campuses and supporting state legislature where African American students, staff, and faculty concerns need to be addressed at a more global level. The Dr. Carolyn Grubbs-Williams Institute prepares African Americans in community colleges for leadership roles to insure that the pipeline to executive level positions is fluid.
Thank you, Dr. Regina Stanback-Stroud for nominating Lasana and Lauren to attend this illustrious professional development opportunity.
Article by Lauren Ford