The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) met on Thursday, September 24, 2015.

Executive Vice Chancellor Kathy Blackwood presented the 2015-16 District Budget which she reported to the Board of Trustees on September 9, 2015.  Highlights include:

  • Revenues increased by $22 million from FY 2014-15, which includes $10 million in one-time monies from the State for mandated cost claims. Expenditures increased by $19.4 million primarily due to negotiated compensation adjustments, and $10 million in one-time allocations for initiatives.
  • The District implemented the revised Resource Allocation Model this year. FTES no longer is a factor for resource allocation unlike the previous model.  Skyline College still generates the highest number of FTES but is not receiving funding related to the number of students it serves, compared to the previous model.  Kathy indicated that this model will be reviewed regularly, and adjusted if needed, should this FTES trend continues.
  • The adopted budget includes $1.5M in Innovation Funds. Skyline College’s share is $800,000 for the Middle College and SparkPoint.

EVC Blackwood also reviewed the International Student funding model which was developed to provide district financial support to grow the international student program.  She anticipates in two years, that the three campuses will have enough international students to be self-supporting.

Vice President of Administrative Services Briones noted that the budget outlook has improved significantly from the Tentative Budget in which a deficit was projected, to having a balanced budget projected over the next three years.  As such, SPARC is tasked with developing a recommendation of a revised balanced budget for FY2015-16 using the final college allocation which increased from the tentative budget. Scenarios will be presented at the next meeting for the committee to consider in developing its recommendation.  Consideration should be given to underfunded hourly salary budgets and operating budgets, in addition to funding for new faculty, staff and administrator positions.

President Regina Stanback Stroud stated that the college makes budget decisions based on financial information presented at the time, and makes adjustments as information changes.  In light of the improved financial picture presented with this year’s district Adopted Budget, President Stroud announced that the college will proceed with hiring 8 faculty positions that we were unable to make at the end of Spring 2015, based on the district’s tentative budget projections for FY2015-16 to FY2017-18.

Next meeting is scheduled for October 29, 2015.

Article by Eloisa Briones