The College Governance Council met on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 from 2:10-4:00 pm, in Building 4, Room 4343. In attendance was Alexander Alpi, Eloisa Briones, Kate Browne, Stephen Fredericks, Angélica Garcia, Michele Haggar, Sarah Perkins, Regina Stanback Stroud, Alana Utsumi, Dennis Zheng. Our guests were Aaron McVean, Jonathan Paver.
Dr. Stroud welcomed new CGC members Alex Alpi and Angelica Garcia. A brief description of the committee and the charge of the committee was provided. Members were referred to the Participatory Governance website and they were reminded of their responsibility to represent their constituency and communicate with their constituency. Theresa will ensure that Alex gets access to SharePoint.
Approval of Minutes
The May 27, 2015 minutes were approved. (M/S/U Utsumi/Perkins approved) Unanimously.
Academic Senate Report
Academic Senate and the Curriculum Committee responded to student feedback that they would like more consistency in their course syllabi. A syllabus check list was developed and will be used by faculty to ensure some consistent syllabus content. .
The Academic Senate selection of the Fall 2015 MOT participants are Danielle Powell, Grace Burns and Paul Bolick. John Ulloa was approved to participate in the Spring.
The District Academic Senate is finalizing their work on providing recommended changes to the faculty selection guidelines. The information will be provided to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources for consideration. This item has not been addressed by other governance groups or the administration. The Academic Senate has also been working on the Distance Education and Online Education Initiative.
Kate reminded the group that the District Strategic Plan will go to board in the near future. Vice Chancellor Jamillah Moore will attend the Academic Senate October 15 to discuss the District Strategic Plan and the implications for the Academic Senate.
Classified Senate Report
The Classified Senate is in the final stages of approving the Code of Ethics. Michelle inquired about the next steps. It was recommended that the Code of Ethics be brought before the CGC to be consistent with the processes for other board policy. The final vote will be at the next Senate meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 1st.
Michelle announced that the Classified Senate would like to become more involved and volunteer their time to organizations on campus and in the community. Michelle will attend the San Bruno Rotary on October 14, 2015 with the President to connect to community members and increase their ability to volunteer.
Finally the annual See’s candy fundraiser will begin soon to raise funds for scholarships and Classified Senate events.
Associated Student Body of Skyline College Report
The ASSC currently has about 45 clubs and counting. They had a welcome week that was very successful with Administrators, Faculty and Staff participating in the annual pancake breakfast. This month the ASSC are involved with Latino Heritage Month events.
The main goal for ASSC this year is to connect the Learning Communities and organizations on campus.
The ASSC is also in discussion with all three campus regarding raising the student body fee which is currently $8.00. The last change was back in 2001.
The Student Organization Council is working with ASSC to make the college events bigger to and to have more Club participation in the events.
Recommendation of Update and Addendum of the Technology Master Pla
Jonathan Paver and Aaron McVean reported on the addendum of the Technology Plan.
The Fall 2015 Addendum to the Skyline College Technology Plan (2012-2015) was presented. The addendum includes a modified computer replacement plan that is based on a full campus inventory that was conducted by ITS. ITS found that about half of our computers on campus are older and outside of warrantee. This new plan will replace these older computers over the next 2 years. The addendum also projects a 5 year technology budget and a computer lab replacement plan that assures modern technology resources for all staff and students.
(M/S/A Kate Browne/Stephen Fredericks approved the recommendation from SPARC to be forwarded to the President) Unanimously.
Recommendation of Distance Education (DE) Substantive Change
Jonathan Paver and Aaron M reported on the Distance Education Substantive Change.
ACCJC requires institutions to report on degree and certificate programs available either 50% or more online or 100% online. The Skyline College Curriculum Committee approves course to be offered through Distance Education. These approvals trigger a review of all of our degree and certificate programs to see if any new or existing programs meet the 50% or 100% thresholds because of new courses approved for distance education, The 2015 DE Substantive Change Report includes action taken by the Curriculum Committee over the past 2 academic years. The report lists all new and existing programs that meet the 50% or 100% thresholds along with other standard reporting required in the substantive change process. The report was reviewed by the Accreditation Oversight Committee on 9/21 and forwarded on to College Governance prior to being submitted for approval at the 9/30 Board meeting.
(M/S/A Michele Haggar/Angélica Garcia to accept the recommendations from the Accreditation Oversight Committee.) Unanimously
Partnership Resources Team
The Institutional Effectiveness Division recently formed under the State Chancellor’s Office has established a technical assistance program whereby colleges can submit a Letter of Interest to receive assistance from a Partnership Resource Teams (PRT). These teams consist of peers from across the California Community College system who have expertise in specific areas of focus identified by colleges.
Skyline College submitted a Letter of Interest identifying the areas of Integrated Planning and Resource Allocation Enrollment Management and. Distance Education. The first of three campus visits from the PRT will be Monday, November 30th, with the remaining visits to take place in the Spring 2016.
Through this initiative, there is the availability of up to $150,000 in grant funds that can support the College in addressing its areas of interest.
Aaron McVean, Dean of PRIE, will connect with Governance groups to solicit additional input on the areas of focus identified in the Letter of Interest, as requested by the PRT. The original Letter of Interest will be provided to the constituent leaders. Additionally, Aaron will connect with governance group to get input, prepare a more extensive draft describing our areas of interest, and follow up with getting constituent leadership approval for the draft.
- Sarah Perkins reported that Skyline College successfully submitted a grant to the National Science Foundation for $649,000 over three years. The name of the grant is 4S: Skyline Scholarships for Success in STEM. As you see below, this grant will fund 114 scholarships over a 3-year period averaging $3,500/year.
The Skyline Scholarships for Success in STEM (4S) project is designed to (1) increase the number of low-income, academically talented students in STEM disciplines at Skyline College who transfer to four-year universities to pursue STEM-related baccalaureate degrees, and (2) study the contribution of scholarships, curricular, co-curricular, and student support activities to the recruitment, course completion, retention, degree attainment, and transfer of students traditionally underrepresented in STEM study and the STEM workforce. Skyline College proposes to use funding under Strand 1: S-STEM Institutional Capacity Building to award 114 scholarships over a 3-year period, averaging $3,500 per year, to students at one of four achievement levels. Level 1 scholarships will be for new students who were not accepted at four-year colleges and universities but show academic promise. Scholarships at the other levels will assist students to continue a successful path to transfer (Level 2), overcome common attrition points (Level3), and complete the final stage of their transfer degree (Level 4). Recruitment will prioritize students in or eligible for the colleges Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program for low-income students who are first-in-the-family college-goers. Various academic support strategies and support services will assist S-STEM Scholars and others in STEM fields of study to prepare for transfer to four-year institutions.
- President Stroud reported that we are in the midst of pulling the Skyline Promise together and implementing it as a cohesive approach to increase student success. Components of it are related to placement processes, expanded student services and learning communities. We have an opportunity to tie some existing approaches together in a structured way for students to get in, get through and get out on time. Listen out for more campus discussion. Please participate in the conversation to make this possible to students.
- Sarah Perkins shared that Skyline College has a guest from Ohio who works for Apple who will be demonstrating how to use technology in a classroom for all. Dr. Luis Pérez will discuss his experience with the accessibility of iOS devices and how this can impact learning outcomes. The following topics will be explored:
- Identifying and using a number of built-in accessibility features of iOS devices to enable learners to overcome barriers in the learning environment.
- Evaluation and selecting apps for learners with special needs using a framework based on the Universal Design for Learning principals and the SAMR model of technology integration.
- Using content creation apps on iOS devices to provide creative expression to learners of difference levels of abilities.
Next agenda – October 28, 2015
Constituency reports
Student Equity Plan
Classified Senate – Code of Ethics
IEPI – Aaron McVean
Canvas Adoption
M/S/U (Michele Haggar/Dennis Zheng) Unanimously