study abroad studentsOn May 9, Skyline College hosted its first re-entry reception for recently returned study abroad students from all three colleges in the district.  The majority of reception attendees spent the fall 2016 semester in London, England. We also had students who had just returned the spring 2017 semester from Florence, Italy.  Also in attendance were prospective study abroad students who came to hear first-hand experiences from their peers who made the decision to study overseas.

The reception included a presentation on how to recognize and manage reverse culture shock, and an overview of international opportunities and careers students could pursue going forward.  Lavinia Zanassi, Faculty Coordinator/Counselor for Career Services, spoke to students about how to market international experiences in a résumé, cover letter, and job interview.

In a recent survey by StudentUniverse, a student and youth travel booking service, the majority of US students who study abroad believe the experience improved their chances of getting a job. The survey, which took in more than 4,700 responses from predominantly US domestic students, found 74.1% of respondents who had studied abroad believed their experience helped their résumé. Almost half (46.6%) said it had been brought up during a job interview.

With approximately 15 students in attendance, all attendees were able to share their highlights and fondest memories of being abroad, while helping the prospective students get a sense of the life-changing experience ahead of them.  The sentiment that studying abroad was a meaningful and impactful experience was echoed by all returnees at the reception, and many expressed interest in interning or working abroad as a result of their positive study abroad experience.

Feel free to find out more information regarding studying abroad by contacting or calling 650-738-7098 in the Global Learning Programs and Services Division at Skyline College. Study Abroad is part of the San Mateo County Community College District and is housed at Skyline College.

Article by Jill Utsumi | Photo by Elizabeth Ramirez