The Bay Honors Consortium held its tenth annual Research Symposium at Stanford University on May 6, 2017. Skyline College had five participants accepted to present from various disciplines. Honors coordinator John Ulloa gave the opening keynote address discussing his recent research on the globalization of lowriding culture. Skyline College student Janah May Oclaman, mentored by Christine Case won the Heslet Award (certificate + monetary award) bestowed upon the best overall research submission and presentation out of the 400 proposals throughout California. Janah’s presentation entitled “A Natural Food Preservative from Black Walnut” is research that examines black walnut extract prohibiting bacterial growth as a natural food preservative.
Our other awesome Skyline College participants:
Yongru Chen
- Mentor: John Ulloa
- “One Child Policy in China: Is it Beneficial or Detrimental to Economy?”
Adrian Barrera-Vazquez
- Mentor: Nick Kapp
- “Red Alert: Making Bacteria Glow Red in the Presence of Carbon Monoxide
Nikole Gorin
- Mentor: Joanne Babin
- “Media and the Art of Persuasion: A Storytelling Approach”
Alec Roa
- Mentor: Lori Slicton
- “Oklahoma: A Climate Continues to Change While a Political Climate Remains the Same”
Kudos to our students and faculty mentors for their brilliant contributions to the tenth Annual BHC Symposium.
Article written by John Ulloa