With the Energize Colleges student internship program in its fourth year, a new set of nine interns are working hard on their individual sustainability projects on campus! Some of these projects address zero waste on campus, energy auditing on the new Environmental Science building, environmental education with Rollingwood Elementary school, plug load capacity, construction of a solar powered charging station and continued work on the growsphere on the third floor of building seven. Pictured is the growsphere advancement, championed by Krishan Ram, Christal Nevarez and Francis Manansala as well as a group of amazing volunteers. Be sure to check it out as it progresses next semester!
As Skyline begins the implementation of it’s new curriculum redesign, some faculty will be participating in our Spring 2020 Sustainability Blitz. Faculty such as, David Hasson in Math, Kristina Brower in Early Childhood Education, Bridget Fischer in Art, and many more, will be working with Climate Corps fellows to design lesson plans that bring sustainability into the classroom with a hands-on learning approach.
Additionally, we have recently rebooted the Sustainability Ambassadors Network (SAN) to bring the conversation of sustainability at Skyline to an open space for discussion for students, staff, and faculty. There will be three more meetings of SAN in Spring Semester of 2020, so keep an eye out for posters that will be going up and mark down the dates on your calendar.
Lastly, Earth Week is happening from April 20th-24th. 2020 will mark the 50th year anniversary since the beginning of Earth Week so we hope to bring a week of sustainability, learning, and fun, that lives up to a 50 year celebration. If you would like to input ideas for Earth Week, come by the SAN meetings and share them as we start to plan it. As the Spring semester begins, make sure to look out for future Sustainability Ambassadors Network (SAN) meetings and activities for Earth Week (April 20-24)!
We hope you have a wonderful break filled with sustainability and fun! Happy Holidays, and see you all next year!
Article by Kayla Belich and Landon Smith