In an effort to introduce financial coaching to new staff, and increase local adult school learner and incoming Skyline College student exposure to SparkPoint services, the United Way of the Bay Area (UWBA) conducted all-day training for SparkPoint and Adult-Education College and Career Educational Leadership (ACCEL) staff members from throughout San Mateo County.

With financial coaching being brought to ACCEL adult school programs, students will have the opportunity to work on financial goals with the possibility of transitioning to Skyline College in the near future.  Familiarity with such services will allow seamless transition between programs, and allow students to continue financial coaching as they transition into other courses at the Skyline College campus.

A huge thank you to Nicole Harden from UWBA for facilitating the training, and to Stacy Nojima, ACCEL Transition Coordinator, for collaborating on coordination efforts.  We look forward to building the ACCEL-SparkPoint partnership further through more trainings and coordination.  For further information, please contact SparkPoint at (650) 738-7035.

Article by Melanie Espinueva-Aure