After nearly 20 years, our logo needs a refresh to make it more relevant, clear, and cohesive around a single brand identity: the name of our college. Our current logo struggles with scalability and tries to tell three stories at once – we’re taking inspiration from that logo and using it to create something singular, lasting, inspirational, and impactful – a logo that catches the eye in a single glance and truly connects with our name.
Last year, Skyline College officially embarked on the process of redesigning our college logo. After focus groups, surveys, and collaboration with our agency partner, Selbert Perkins Design, we have arrived at 4 logo options that represent an evolution of our current Skyline College logo, and now we need your feedback.
Each of these logo options takes elements of our current logo (designed back in 2005) and creates a unique new vision, tying our current brand with our new evolution. All of these options focus on the name of our college as the center of their design – using “Skyline” as their key design focus and striving for simplicity, clarity, inspiration, and an eye to the future.
Please take this short online survey to let us know how you’d rate each of these logo options and also any comments you have on each one. This survey will be crucial in the selection of Skyline College’s new logo. Your voices and feedback have been so important in getting us to this point, now help us push this project across the finish line. Survey participants will be entered to win a $50 gift card to the Skyline College Bookstore / World Cup Coffee & Tea.