Skyline College is pleased to announce our collaboration with Canãda College and the College of San Mateo on several virtual events happening next week in celebration of Open Education and textbook affordability.  The OER Leads for each college have curated a series of events that connect with Open Education Week, or #oeweek.

We know that students’ access to course materials can present a significant barrier to getting a college education – not just during these times, but generally speaking – and that we owe it to our students to ensure that they have high quality and affordable course materials. The best way we can do that is through the use of open educational resources, or OERs. 

This first week of March is dedicated to open-source materials and their adoption, as well as to breaking down the barriers to education. Please join us in our webinars and discussions! These events are open to anyone. You’ll find all the details here: OpenEd Week website.

Questions? Please contact Ame Maloney <>

Article by Jessica Silver-Sharp

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