Skyline College is committed to ensuring the effectiveness of our brand identity – a huge part of that identity is our college logo. After engaging the campus community with an interest survey last year that showed a broad desire to update our logo, the college has contracted with a branding agency to explore the possibility of redesigning our college logo and establish a college seal. As a campus community, we are visualizing possibilities for the future brand identity of Skyline College.

We want your feedback on this important process.

Please take about 2 minutes to fill out the Envisioning the Future of Skyline College Survey. Your feedback will help to shape a potential logo redesign. Survey participants will be entered to win a $50 gift card to the Skyline College Bookstore / World Cup Coffee & Tea.

Here is some additional information about the work that has gone into this process and what you can expect in the future:

What we’ve done so far:

  • Launched an initial interest survey last year that showed a broad desire to revisit and modernize our college logo.
  • Engaged a branding agency to explore the possibility of a logo redesign and the creation of a college seal.
  • Met with focus groups representing campus constituencies including students, faculty, classified staff, administration, alumni and community members. These focus groups provided valuable insight into their unique perspectives on our logo and brand which will inform any future design processes.

Where we’re going from here:

Survey responses will be collected and used in conjunction with focus group feedback to inform any future logo and college seal design processes.

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