The Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) met on Sept. 25, 2014 co-chaired by Eloisa Briones, Vice President of Administrative Services, and Kate Browne, Academic Senate President.
Aaron McVean, Dean of Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness, presented the Followup Report to the Accreditation that will be submitted to the ACCJC next month. The report responds to the Commission’s recommendation to develop and implement a systematic process of evaluating part-time faculty and the steps that the college has taken to address it.
Aaron invited SPARC to attend the District Strategic Planning Forum on September 30. The district has engaged Voorhees Group to put together the district strategic plan after hearing feedback from the colleges. Now that the district is communiy-supported, the allocation of new resources will be guided by the district strategic plan.
Barbara Lamson, Linda Whitten and Eloisa Briones reported back from the meeting held by the District Committee on Budget & Finance. They shared highlights of the 2014-2015 budget Presentation made by Executive Vice Chancellor Kathy Blackwood to the Board of Trustees. Eloisa went thru the current resource allocation In detail to help the committee understand the impact on college funding when the new resource allocation model is implemented in 2015-2016. Kathy Blackwood will come to the SPARC meeting on October 30 to present the proposed model and receive feedback.
Angelica Garcia, Dean of Counseling, presented SPARC with information about and comparison of the Student Success and Support Programs funding (formerly Matriculation) and the Student Equity Plan. The college has been engaged in the development of both plans.
Next meeting: October 9, 2014
Article by Eloisa Briones