Many things have happened during the summer 2016 in the African Diaspora Program which is located in the Global Learning Programs and Services Division.
- Dr. Cheryl Ajirotutu, Coordinator, ADP served on the Gen ED committee and visited Boston, MA to assist in the development of greater integration of curriculum campus-wide
Global Learning Programs and Services (GLPS) and STEM Team from Skyline College visited Dillard University in New Orleans to establish a collaboration with an HBCU and Skyline College to further the development of STEM relationships and internships for our students - Attended Global Entrepreneurship Summit at Stanford University with Keynote Speaker, President Barack Obama and Dr. Ajirotutu served on an internal committee to assist in panel discussion
- Attended Global Entrepreneurship Summit to establish relationship with Cape Verde, Africa to establish a Study Abroad relationship/Service Learning opportunity for our students.
Working and collaborating with Center for International Trade Development (CITD), Skyline College Summer Scholars Program to present ICT Youth Summit, July 13, 2016 for over 100 students - Collaboration expanded with STEM program- including math, engineering and physic faculty throughout the district
Establishing a deeper relationship with MOAD(Museum of the African Diaspora) in San Francisco to establish internships and service learning opportunities for our students - GLPS is working college-wide to create a discernable pipeline of service learning sites on-campus, in-community, and globally
- GLPS is collaborating with faculty at DeAnza College to expand the curriculum for the African Diaspora Program
Article by Tammy Robinson.