Skyline College Library subscribes to two academic quality streaming video databases that faculty can use any time to access excellent quality documentary videos in virtually all subject areas. These videos are accessed through the library website and can be used to show videos in class or to assign videos for students to view as homework, for optional review or for their own research projects.
Films on Demand includes videos from renown producers, such as Frontline, Nova, Films for the Humanities & Sciences, American Experience and many more. (See the list below.)
The Academic Video Online database (shown below) provides a second source for thousands more documentary videos.
These databases are accessible from our library website by clicking on the “Videos” tab on the home page and then selecting either database from the pull-down menu, as shown below.
To access these databases from home, a PLS library card, which is freely available from our library or any public library in San Mateo County. For more information, please contact the Library Reference Desk at x4312.
Article by Eric Brenner