The College Governance Council met on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 from 2:10-4:00 pm, in Building 4, Room 4343. In attendance was Jazmena Bannag, Kate Browne, Stephen Fredericks, Angelica Garcia, Michele Haggar, Sarah Perkins, Regina Stanback Stroud and Dennis Zheng. Absent was Alexander Alpi, Eloisa Briones and Alana Utsumi. Our guest was Aaron McVean.
Approval of Minutes
The April 27, 2016 minutes were approved. (M/C/U Angélica Garcia/Michele Haggar – approved) Unanimously. Kate Browne and Regina Stanback Stroud abstained.
The Academic Senate report. The last Spring meeting included visit and discussion with key administrators about the state of the College and issues for this year. Guests included Aaron McVean [IEPI/SPARC], Sarah Perkins [Joint Meeting re Sky Promise & Meta-Majors], Nina Floro [Professional development], & Bridget Fischer [Learning Technologies].
*College issues of high faculty interest and focus for next year include: continued participation in professional development [AS Prof Personnel Chair will be a regular member of ACED], stronger focus on Student Equity and Success [SEEED representative has now been appointed, CTE Liaisons are now in place], and ongoing discussion about Canvas implementation [regular connection with DE/CTTL].
Discussions via our Division Reps and Committee Chairs indicate several areas of activity. Spring topics included Faculty Evaluation Guidance, Faculty Selection & Minimum Qualifications, and collaboration with Curriculum Committee on common Syllabus checklist. Several faculty indicated their intention to continue with Academic Senate next year.
*Faculty issues of high interest and focus next year are: Review & revitalization of AS structure and activities [will conduct an election regarding shift to a Representative Senate model early Fall], Academic Senate Committee focus/structure/membership, and continue the regular reporting item of “Division News” in Academic Senate meeting structure.
Discussion and participation continued on the District and College Resource Allocation Models, both through College Forums and SPARC meetings.
*Faculty issue of high interest and focus next year is: appropriate resources for faculty hiring, retention, and replacement, and better understanding & participation in budget and planning issues [considering having an Academic Senate representative to SPARC].
The Classified Senate provided the following report.
Michele Haggar, Classified Senate President, reported on the drawing from End of the Year celebration fundraiser which raised approximately $700.
District Classified Retreat, is scheduled for June 2nd. There has been a large amount of planning thanks to the planning committee which is made up of Classified Senate Presidents and Vice Presidents from Skyline College and Cañada College, Classified staff members from CSM and the district. The event will take place at the Thomas Fogarty Winery Conference Center. This retreat is actually going to serve 3 times more classified across the district then the previous district wide retreats.
Currently taking Classified Senate Executive Board nominations for the 2016/2017 calendar year.
The Associated Student Body of Skyline College provided the following report
The officers for the 2016-1017 are:
President: Dylan O’shea
VP: Gianni Grelli
Public Record: Caroline Barros
Publicity: Judah Darwin
Finance: Nena Darwin
Academic Year 2015-2016 In Review
Latino Heritage Month
Black History Month
Women’s History Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Cultural Awareness
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Campus Climate & Traditions
Social Justice
Community Outreach
Charity Drives
Conferences, Retreats & Advocacy
Skyline Shines Award 2016-2017
The Skyline Shines Award nomination was discussed and voted on. The announcement will be made at the Skyline College Opening Day event in August.
College Events Scheduling
Regina Stanback Stroud reported to CGC that there are many college events that are scheduled throughout the year that can conflict with other events. Planning in advance can eliminate some of these conflicts. Also, there are many events to honor constituent groups but it is suggested that these events be combined.
Cherie Colin, MCPR Director, will take the lead in the conversation regarding solutions to prevent college event conflicts. She will invite members from the Event Planning Committee, representatives from the Faculty, Classified and Student constituent groups to be a part of the conversation.
Revision of ISLO Sub-Descriptors and Rubric
Aaron McVean, Dean of PRIE, brought the revisions of ISLO Sub-Descriptors and Rubric to CGC for college adoption.
(M/S/U – Sarah Perkins/Michele Haggar – approved) Unanimously
Professional Development ACED
Sarah Perkins, Vice President of Instruction, discussed the Professional Development ACED. Skyline College has developed the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning. The CTTL is the hub for professional development for the college. The new structure will replace PEDAC which was primarily a FLEX day planning committee and we will create a broader based professional development steering committee Advisory Committee for Employee Development.
(M/S/U – Sarah Perkins/Jazmena Bannag- approved) – Unanimously
Reflection space
Room 6207 has been identified as the Reflection room. Student Life will be creating guidelines for the room. It was suggested to provide a cabinet that can house supplies for people to use. The room needs to be decorated in a way that the materials are not religious. The Student Life will provide a proposal to Cabinet in the Fall.
Regina thanks the CGC for all their work in 2015-2016.