Attention Event Planners!

Did you know? The master college events calendar is now populated directly from the Ad Astra events reservation system in place at the college. Event information entered into the system marked as “featured” by SkyEvents have been coded to pull directly into the public events calendar which is displayed on the homepage of the website at and on the TV screens in main areas of buildings across campus.

The SkyEvents team reviews all event requests and as part of their workflow, Annie Trinh and Linda Bertellotti check the “featured” box for events that are of interest to the public. Take a look at the calendar by viewing the next few events on the homepage or clicking on the calendar icon which takes you to the site displaying events by month

Types of Events Marked “Featured” and Displayed on the College Events Calendar

  • Campus-wide Events
  • Public Events (conferences, athletic games, etc.)
  • Community Events

Types of Events Not Displayed on the College Events Calendar

  • Division Meetings
  • Interviews
  • Participatory governance meetings
  • Other internals meetings

Event Planner Guidelines – IMPORTANT!

There are just a few things you need to be aware of when planning an event to ensure the event is properly displayed on the college events calendar.

  1. Event Description: When requesting your event, please include an Event Description written for public viewing. Keep in mind when writing that the audience (public) may have no background information on your program. Please avoid using acronyms, check for misspellings and write a short, but concise event description no longer than 2 sentences. Please do not include any links in your description.
  2. Contact Information: Please include contact information in your description in case the public has questions about the event.
  3. Conference/Large Scale Events: If you are hosting a conference or large scale event that has multiple locations throughout campus reserved in the Ad Astra system, feature only the check-in location. If several locations show up on the calendar, the additional rooms need to be unchecked as “featured”.
  4. Event Time: Make sure the featured event lists the actual event time only and does not include set up and tear down time.
  5. Featured Event: You may request that your event be marked “featured” so that it will display on the college events calendar when you send your reservation request to SkyEvents. Please notes, t will not actually show in the calendar until SkyEvent has approved your request.
  6. Specialty Event Venues: Please be aware that specialty venues such as the Art Gallery, Theater, Gym and the Quad require permission from individuals that manage the respective space before they can be reserved.  If you have any questions about these spaces, contact Linda or Annie.
  7. Common Event Planner Links:
    • To facilitate your request, a variety of setup diagrams are available for the Fireside Dining Room, Building 6 conference rooms and the Multicultural Center in Room Layouts available on the website. You may choose from the layouts available or use as a starting point and modify to accommodate your event.
    • If you need assistance in using Ad Astra, visit the Ad Astra Event Request Guide.
    • Ready to make a request? Use the Ad Astra Event Request Form.

Why is my Event not Displayed?

There are a few reasons why your event may not be displayed in the college calendar.

  1. Your event takes place in a location that is not reserved through Ad Astra such as the Art Gallery. If this is the case, Deans may identify a staff member to be trained in Ad Astra and enter the public events in directly and mark them as “featured”.
  2. The “featured” check box was missed in the workflow process. Please contact Linda Bertellotti or Annie Trinh to have your event marked “featured”.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact, Linda Bertellotti at ext. 7141, Annie Trinh at ext. 4431 or Cherie Colin at ext. 4346. We look forward to working with you collaboratively to create impactful events for our campus community.



The SkyEvents & MCPR Team

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