We’ve heard you loud and clear. College events happening simultaneously, particularly in peak times during the semester, have made it difficult for students, Administrators and Board of Trustee members to choose which event to attend and/or causes them to rush from one to another making quick appearances. This often means we’re not demonstrating the full support of the college for each event. It also puts a strain on facilities staff, who work diligently to provide us with the support we need in order to ensure successful events.
In an effort to prioritize event scheduling and minimize college event conflicts, the SkyEvents and MCPR teams have developed an Event Tier System based on research of how this issue is mitigated at other colleges. When events are requested, they will be designated as Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 according to the following definitions and will be scheduled in that priority order.
Tier 1 |
College-wide events of the highest priority which are core to the institution’s mission. No other college events should be scheduled on the same day. This is so that faculty, staff and administration can focus on these high priority events and students, board members and district and college leadership are not placed in the position of having to choose which event to attend. |
Tier 2 |
Signature college events which happen annually or in some cases more often. Please check the college events calendar on the homepage of the website for potential conflicts before scheduling your event date and time. If you will be inviting the President and/or a Vice President to keynote or attend, please coordinate with the President’s Office or appropriate Vice President’s Office before finalizing your event date and time. |
Tier 3 |
All other events and meetings on campus. |
Note: Please be reminded that the public college events calendar is populated by approved event requests that have been entered into Ad Astra.
All events on campus are important and we will always make every effort to accommodate the campus community to ensure that events are scheduled on or as a close to the desired date as possible.
If you have any questions, concerns, feedback or corrections to the attached document we will use for guidance in scheduling events, please feel free reach out to Cherie Colin at colinc@smccd.edu or ext. 4346.
The SkyEvents & MCPR Team