The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) held its first meeting of this year on January 25, 2018.
Balanced Scorecard Metrics for Budget
Jacque Honda, Interim Dean of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness led the discussion on the budget metric for the Balanced Scorecard. The committee discussed what would be a good measure to indicate the institution is effective in utilizing its Fund 1 budget. Currently, the metric is the Ending Balance as a percent of the total expense budget.
District wide Committee on Budget and Finance Meeting Update
Judy Hutchinson and Barbara Lamson gave an update on the DCBF meeting held on January 23, 2018. The meeting reviewed the highlights from the State Budget Workshop on Governor’s Proposed Budget (D of F presentation from Budget Workshop). Two major proposals by the Governor is a Statewide Online College to be hosted at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and changes to the funding formula for general apportionment to the 72 College Districts. Kathy Blackwood, Executive Vice Chancellor also presented at DCBF meeting the SMCCCD Districtwide Promise Program proposal that will a topic at upcoming Board of Trustees Retreat on February 3, 2018.
District Innovation Fund Proposals
Eloisa Briones, Vice President of Administrative Services reviewed with the committee the availability and process of awarding the 2018-19 District Innovation Funds. These funds have been awarded in the past to the Colleges and District HR/Facilities departments to use toward programs and projects that support the District’s strategic goals and strategies. Funding may be used to institutionalize existing programs that are funded by soft money; proposals do not have to be only for new programs and projects The Skyline College Executive Council evaluates and prioritizes the proposals, then selects those that will be submitted to the Chancellor’s Council for funding. Programs funded in the past include the Baccalaureate degree for Respiratory Care, Middle College for Jefferson High School, Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, STEM Center. A template for the submitting the proposals will be made available to the community at a later date.
Campus Climate Survey
Zahra Mojtahedi provided an overview of upcoming campus climate student survey to be administered this spring 2018 semester. A variety of campus programs, committees, staff, and faculty have weighed in on the draft questions and students have begun to weigh in through piloting. Given that the survey is voluntary and administered online, campus-wide awareness and engagement for increasing response rate will be important and strategies are being put in place to promote the survey through Marketing, division meetings, and student groups.
Mission, Vision, Values Review for Accreditation
Dean Honda asked the committee to review in small teams Skyline College’s MVV against the Accreditation Standard I. The committee input included possibly adding language on data. Different committees on campus will be providing feedback in the upcoming months.
Educational Master Planning
The SPARC committee will be heavily involved with the upcoming revision to the Educational Master Plan. Dean Honda asked the committee members to help build the large framework that will be taken to constituent groups for review. Questions include what new programs do you feel are needed for Skyline College to better serve the community. What do we want Skyline College to be in the next 2-5 years? Be aspirational yet realistic.
Next meeting is February 8, 2018 (Thursday) from 2:10 to 4:00 p.m. in Room 6-203