New Psychology faculty member, Shaun Perisho, is first author on the manuscript, “Characterization of Swine Behavior and Production Using Measurements Collected via Indoor Positioning System“ which was accepted for publication by the Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science on November 4th, 2020. While Shaun’s primary area of study is marine mammal cognition, this particular study dealt with pig behavior and was conducted at the University of Pennsylvania using an indoor positioning system to track the location and movement of pigs as they socialize with each other in socially complex settings. Measurements were used to predict things like animal health and reproductive success (future litter size and the size of individual piglets within each litter). The research team is now working on a follow-up study investigating whether multifractal dynamics in the data set can help improve predictions.
Additionally, Shaun was a co-author on the poster, “Effects of Virtual Reality on Psychophysiological Arousal Compared to 3D Gaming” presented at the 2020 Association for Psychological Science conference.
Shaun received his PhD, Psychology in 2018 and before arriving at Skyline College he spent time as a marine mammal trainer, research assistant, and college instructor. We are excited to have Shaun Perisho as a new member of the Skyline College Psychology Department.
Article by Chris Woo