Skyline College’s TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) Program provides wrap around services for TRiO students on their path to graduate and transfer to a four-year university within four years. An important component to these wrap around services is the academic support TRiO offers. This week, TRiO would like to feature English and ESOL support that includes tutoring and case-management services to TRiO students that are taking English, ESOL, or other courses that contain a reading and writing component. For students who take advantage of this resource, case-management includes a beginning assessment to evaluate students’ reading and writing abilities as well as their confidence in the field, tutoring by appointment, or drop-in tutoring, a re-evaluation mid-semester (progress report) in order to assess where students are with their initial goals, and an end-of-semester assessment.
Students who take advantage of this valuable resource may receive an extended period of time for tutoring, depending upon their individual needs. And even the most experienced students can benefit from English tutoring, not only for assistance on assignments, but also for the mutual benefits of thought-provoking academic discussion. In fact, here’s what a couple of student’s had to say:
“TRiO English tutoring has been very helpful to me because of my sight disabilities and the fact that I have been away from college for so many years. It has also sharpened my computer and English Language skills. I am very appreciative for Ms. Daniels’ assistance.”
-Charles Newton
“TRiO has given me more confidence in writing essays and has helped me to keep my interest in my class and stick to my academic goals.”
-Naing Aung Min
For any questions about TRiO or the academic support provided, please feel free to contact TRiO at 650-738-4144 or visit the department in The Learning Center in Building 5.
Article by Chanel Daniels and Mary O’Connor I Photo by Yenni Galvez