The College and District facilities groups have been busy over the summer with the major projects at Skyline College.
The parking lot L expansion project has moved into final design and will go the State Architect (DSA) for review in October. The DSA reviews all California public school projects. Construction bids are expected next spring with the start of construction expected next summer. This first project is important as it will provide parking displaced by the new Environmental Science Building 12. In fact, when the campus building program is complete, we will have more parking than we do now.
The design-build entity (DBE) selection process for Building 12 is well underway. Ten DBE teams submitted their qualifications and a short list of three received the request for proposal. Preparation and evaluation of the proposals will last through October with the contract awarded in November. The project will then be designed, reviewed by DSA, and construction should start in early 2018.
The largest project is the replacement of Building 1 with a larger, more modern building for the social sciences and creative arts programs. The selection process for a design-build entity will carry us through the winter, with the contract award expected in March next year and commencement of demolition in mid-2018. In the meantime, planning has begun for the move of current Building 1 occupants to other locations, mostly to Building 19 (Pacific Heights).
Upgrades to Building 14, Loma Chica, which houses the Child Development Laboratory Center, have been moved forward and selection of the architect and design team is underway. The project will replace heating system equipment, doors, and windows, upgrade the accessible path of travel through the building, and improve the children’s playgrounds. Construction is expected to begin mid to late next year.
Article by Glenn Claycomb