The College Governance Council met on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 from 2:10-4:00 pm, in Building 4, Room 4343. In attendance was Alexander Alpi, Eloisa Briones, Kate Browne, Stephen Fredericks, Angélica Garcia, Sarah Perkins, Regina Stanback Stroud, Dennis Zheng. Absent was Michele Haggar, Alana Utsumi, guest Aaron McVean.
Approval of Minutes
The January 27, 2016 minutes were approved. (M/C/U – Sarah Perkins/Kate Browne approved) Unanimously – 1 abstained.
The meeting started with the Academic Senate report.
The Academic Senate reported that its meetings regularly include visits and discussions with key administrators about the state of the College and issues for this year. The February meetings included discussions of:
– Curriculum Development/Cross-campus consultation
– Community/Corporate Education [Bissinger, 2/4]
– Professional Development [Perkins, 2/4]
-Student Services overview [Garcia & L. Escobar, 2/18]
Actions on:
-Nina Floro nominated to State Academic Senate for RSS Diversity Award
-Faculty screening committee appointments for Dean of Counseling
– Museum of Tolerance nominee, Nathan Jones
-Faculty/Staff Scholarships [decision: 2 @$500)
Reports from Academic Senate Standing Committees:
Curriculum: Will be discussing cross-campus consultation
Educational Policy: Recording of Class Sessions; Faculty Handbook review; C-ID update
District Academic Senate has been addressing issues related to curriculum and minimum qualifications. The curriculum policy revisions were not supported by the Academic Senate. Dr. Perkins discussed it with the Senate.
The Academic Senate has been looking for appointments for screening and equivalency committees.
The Academic Senate has been working on the awards and celebrations
- Nathan Jones selection for MOT
- Regina Stanback Stroud Diversity Award candidate – Nina Floro
- Will have selection of Meyer Award (teaching/first 4 years)
- End of year celebration for faculty and staff
- Missed Deadline of Exemplary Program
There have been some academies
- Plenary Session
- Academic Excellence in March – will focus on Equity
- Accreditation Academy – interesting institute.
Dr. Perkins and Melissa Mathews brought an issue related to audio and video taping class sessions.
- Ed policy committee will review and bring back to senate
The Classified Senate provided the following report.
The February Classified Senate meeting was committed to voting on our scholarship amounts. The Senate met their goal of matching the 2015 Classified Senate scholarship amounts of two at $400 each. These funds are usually drawn from our annual See’s Candy fundraiser. They are still working on implementing some additional fundraising ideas that could bring in more money for these scholarships in the future. Many ideas have been shared, but Vice President Utsumi asked that some staff step up and volunteer to organize the ideas in order to see them through.
The Classified Senate also voted in conjunction with the Academic Senate to offer two Faculty/Staff scholarships of $507 each. These funds are raised during the annual End-of-Year Celebration and the basket fundraiser.
Cherie Colin visited the meeting and asked for our support in composing a letter of support for the Skyline College Shuttle from Daly City BART. The Senate voted on the support and the letter was drafted. All of those in attendance agreed that it sounded like a great plan and saw the value in filling that missing piece of transportation for our students, faculty and staff.
Also discussed was the announcement for Classified Employee of the year nominations, and the very short window in which to nominate. All in attendance agreed that they would add a discussion to a future agenda to start planting the seeds of that process in advance of the state announcement each year, in order to put our best foot forward in the applications for Skyline College.
At the very end of the meeting, during committee announcements, it was brought to our attention that the district wanted our opinion about arming Public Safety Officers. Unfortunately, they had only 5 minutes left in our meeting and agreed that was not enough time to take on such a serious discussion. Vice President Utsumi had intended to invite Jim Vangele to the next Classified Senate meeting for more information, there may be some campus-wide information in the works. This is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed, and have input into. It was tabled until the March meeting.
The Associated Student Body of Skyline College provided the following report
ASSSC reported the following outreach activities:
- Sponsored the Library Book Collection with a $10,000 donation.
- Volunteering at Rock the School Bells.
- Volunteered at Glide Memorial- serving meals.
- We supported the Transportation initiative by Dr. Garcia.
- Sponsored Black History Month.
ASSSC also reported the following update:
- Trojan Tuesday is every first Tuesday of every month. Students will get a 5% discount at Pacific Dinning and World Cup Coffee.
- The ASSC is encouraging students to get Student IDs at events and offer more usage for IDs.
- Currently the ASSC is writing a proposal and seeking for available rooms for the Reflection Room. Over 1000 signature have collected in favor of the room. A list of the items needed for the reflection room was suggested. Also Administration and Studnets are currently reviewing spaces for the Reflection Room.
- Updating on Skyline Shines.
Past Events:
- Chinese New Year
- Valentine’s Day
- Black History Month: Afia Walking Tree Drum Circle
Upcoming Events
Women History Month
Sexual Assault Awareness
Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
March 1: 19th Amendment voting booth,
AAUW and ASSC are going to encourage female students to register to vote. Also information will be handed out to students about the 19th Amendment and ERA (Equal Rights Amendment).
March 8: HeForShe,
ASSC and Skyline Model United Nations want to bring awareness to equal rights to women. And bringing awareness to not only women but men as well of the importance of equal rights for women. Petitions will be signed and brochures will be handed out with information about the
HeForShe campaign.
March 16: Body Positivity,
Photo booth with signs: “I am not my weight” “Happiness is not gender specific” Also bags will be given out with tampons, panty liners, chocolate, tea, inspirational note, and a compact mirror.
March 22: Lady Trojan Services and Emporium Fair,
Many programs, learning communities, and organizations will table to let female students know what resources are available.
The ASSC discussed the issue of Public Safety caring a weapon. Concerns were discussed related to:
- Police brutality and excessive force by college & police department
- Additional costs. Insurance and raises for officers or police officers and how the budget will affect the students and classes.
- Non-lethal weapons
- How will this affect student dynamic and the environment on campus
- Transparency and open discussion
- Research (are they bias?)
- Perspective of all students not just those interviewed (Survey size)
- What does the students know already (How educated are our student population)
Recommended Professional Development Committee Structure
Dr. Sarah Perkins, Vice President of Instruction, shared with the committee the Professional Development Committee structure and changes. Dr. Perkins will prepare and present recommendations at the March 23rd CGC meeting for action.
Recommendation to Adopt the Revised MVV for Skyline College
Aaron McVean, Dean of PRIE, presented the recently revised Mission Vision Value (MVV) document to the committee. Based on the revision from the January meeting, Aaron recommended the committee to adopt the revised MVV.
Dr. Angélica Garcia, Vice President of Student Services suggested a change to the Open Access section to read “status, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation”.
(M/S/U – Eloisa Briones/Kate Browne – recommend the MVV statement provided by SPARC as amended to include “gender expression” to the President for recommendation to the Board of Trustees) – Unanimously.
SEEED Discussion Regarding Arming Public Safety
Dr. Angélica Garcia, Vice President of Student Services reported to the committee a discussion at the SEEED committee related to Arming our Public Safety. Many questions were raised such as:
- What is the process that the district using to do the research?
- Who is the research firm is the firm unbiased?
- How was that firm selected?
- What is the timeline that the firm will do the research at the campus?
- What does it mean “armed public safety”?
- Does every public safety officer will carry a weapon?
- What it would mean regarding the tone on campus?
- What is the problem we are trying to solve?
- What are the financial implications and liability?
- Could public safety officers escalate a situation since they would have firearms?
The SEEED Committee would like to support the students who expressed concerned over wanting more information and transparency about the process for community input. They also asked for CGC to take up a discussion about how we can encourage Skyline College community participation when it is time appropriate. VPSS Garcia and VPI Perkins agreed to also place this as an agenda item at the next VP Council district meeting.
Skyline Promise
Dr. Stanback Stroud provided an update on the implementation of the Skyline Promise. The first component of the promise includes recent high school grads and alternative secondary programs (adult ed, GED, etc.) completers to be able to attend the college full time, identify a goal, have fees waived, receive support with books and transportation as needed. The college is in the process of raising foundation funds and identifying other eligible funds to make it possible. The second component of the promise focuses on the college developed clear paths to the degree or certificate. Often referred to as structured pathways to the degree in both transfer and CTE areas, college faculty will consider the design of the curriculum and majors and make the path to completion clear. Additionally, multiple measures for placement will be a key element, processes for dual enrollment will enable students to advance along the way. Finally a key component to the promise is the availability of the Summer Scholars’ Institute where students can complete the program in the summer and be placed in college level English and Math.
Dr. Stroud will be visiting the Academic Senate to discuss the promise and will continue to update the CGC on its status/implementation.