The College Governance Council met on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 from 2:10-4:00 pm, in Building 4, Room 4343. In attendance was Eloisa Briones, Angélica Garcia, Jacqueline Honda, Leandro Torre Mantilla, Jesse Raskin, Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza, and Christina Trujillo. Absent from the meeting was Christine Abella, Kate Browne, Michele Haggar, Regina Stanback Stroud
Approval of Minutes
The October 25, 2017 minutes was approved.
(M/C/U Christine Trujillo/Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza) Unanimously.
The Academic Senate provided the following report.
Dr. Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza will present Board Policy 6.04 and the policy and procedures regarding class cancelations at the March 1st Academic Senate meeting.
The Classified Senate provided the following report.
• Classified Public Forum–Friday, 3/2 from 12:00pm-2:00pm
o Working with the DT Co-leads and Carla Grandy in particular to help craft the agenda
o Meta-Majors Names, among other topics
• Additional Scholarship Fundraising–In addition to the baskets at the End of Year Celebration, we are holding another See’s Candy Fundraiser (ending on Wed. 3/7) to raise more funds this semester
• Theme Selected for End of Year Celebration–Fairy Tales/Connection to student musical production “Into The Woods” – May 9, 2018 – 12:00-2:00 location TBA
• Alcatraz Volunteer Day–Second of what we hope will be a reoccurring volunteer opportunity (once a semester) on Saturday, March 10th, 8:00am-12:00pm
The Associated Student Body of Skyline College provided the following report.
At the beginning of the semester, the ASSC attended its annual Winter Leadership retreat. This year’s retreat took place in Tahoe City where the students had the opportunity to learn more about their fellow council mates and to develop strong relationships with each other.
In regards of activities, the ASSC started this spring semester celebrating Valentine’s Day and Chinese Lunar New Year. The Student body is currently planning more events/activities for Women’s History Month and Asian-Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The ASSC is also getting ready for the upcoming elections. Candidate’s packets for Student Trustee as well officer’s positions have been updated.
SOCC approved the induction of Middle College Student Council. This club will represent Middle College students with the purpose of creating fundraisers for their own events. SOCC members also participated in their annual Spring Club Rush on February 28, 2018.
Vice President of Administrative Services, Eloisa Briones presented information regarding the Merger of the Skyline College Emergency Preparedness Group and the Health and Safety Committee
Skyline College currently has two separate groups that were formed to address the health and safety needs of the college community of students, faculty and staff: the Health & Safety Committee & the Emergency Response Plan Committee. The Health & Safety Committee is a governance committee. The Emergency Response Plan Committee was formed as an operational work group, but has stayed active since inception.
Membership in both groups are almost similar, i.e. The Health Center, Public Safety, Facilities, ASSC, MCPR, Office of the VP Student Services, SMT and KAD. Combining both groups will integrate the work around disaster preparedness with the charge of the Health & Safety Committee.
Health and Safety Committee (Governance Committee)
Charge: The Health and Safety Committee promotes a healthful and safe environment for staff and students, educating and training personnel in safe work practice. The committee conducts safety inspections and recommends corrective action to the College. The Committee is charged under CSEA contract (article 13. 13.6) to meet at least quarterly. A district Safety Management Committee will meet at least twice each fiscal year. The committee is to include two representatives appointed by CSEA.
Emergency Response Plan Committee (Operational Work Group)
Charge: The Emergency Response Committee develops strategies for disaster preparedness and recovery for the campus. The committee is charged with maintaining the campus Emergency Response Plan, updating contact information and the evacuation plan, providing training for the campus on emergency procedures.
Currently there is redundancy and overlap involving both groups in terms of membership, as well as commonality with topics of discussion and campus projects. Consolidating both groups into one group will present an opportunity to streamline scheduling and communication, while making available a greater number of people for committee business, providing an enriched focus on health, safety, and emergency preparedness to Skyline College.
The committee title will change to reflect the merging of both committees. The new title will be Health/Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee. The committee will be tri-chaired by Eloisa Briones, Amory Cariadus and Jim Vangele.
(M/S/U Jesse Raskin/Leandro Torre Mantilla) Unanimously. To support the recommendation of merging the Skyline College Emergency Preparedness Group and the Health and Safety Committee.
Jacqueline Honda, Interim Dean of Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness presented an initiative Skyline College will begin titled “A Great Place to Work”
Skyline College is applying to be one of the Chronicle of Higher Education’s 100 Great Colleges to Work For. This requires our staff, administrators and faculty to complete a survey that they generate as part of the application process. The survey is sent to all full-time faculty, all administrators, and a sample of adjunct faculty and classified staff. The survey will begin on March 19th for three weeks. There is also an internal survey that asks for additional information that the Office of the Planning Research and Institutional Effectiveness will complete with the help of the District and the President’s Cabinet. There is no guarantee we will receive the designation, but does provide the college an opportunity to learn how employees experience Skyline College.
Jessica Hurless and Carla Grandy presented the Proposed Meta-Majors Names
Jessica made a presentation of the proposed Meta-Majors names. She explained the steps that were followed in order to create the proposed names. Once the presentation concluded each constituent representative praised Jessica and the team of Administrators, Faculty and Staff of their work in creating the Meta-Majors. The presentation has been shared with Associate Students and will be presented at the Classified Senate meeting March 1st. Dr. Garcia stated that this is a monumental vote for our College Governance Council, as it is the first recommendation connected to the comprehensive redesign efforts that has come through the Design Team.
Dr. Garcia asked for a motion to support the four Meta-Majors Names.
(M/C/U Leandro Torre Mantilla/ Christina Trujillo) Unanimously
Dr. Angélica Garcia announced that Skyline College is taking lead with submitting a district wide grant proposal for the Innovation in Higher Education Grant to scale an evidence-based practice. The grant proposal seeks $4 million dollars, which includes scaling the Promise Scholars Program across the SMCCCD, as well as enhance Dual/Concurrent Enrollment efforts with local high school partners over a performance period of 3 years.
The committee decided that the March 28th College Governance Committee will be canceled due to Spring Break. If there is an important item that needs discussion by the CGC, then Dr. Stanback Stroud will call a special meeting to discuss the topic. Otherwise, the next meeting is April 25, 2018.
(M/S/U Dr. Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza and Eloisa Briones) Unanimously.