On Monday, May 11 classified staff gathered in Building 6 to celebrate the dedication of several of their colleagues at the 2015 Classified Service Awards. The awards are held every year to honor classified staff who have served the District for 10, 20, 25 and 30 years, demonstrating their commitment to higher education and their passion for their work.
Dr. Stanback Stroud opened the event with a brief welcome and acknowledgement of the work that all classified staff do on a daily basis. She mentioned that without their consistent dedication, the college simply could not function.
After a greeting from Classified Senate President, Alana Utsumi, the award presenters each took the podium and, one at a time, spoke about each of the award winners. Evident across all of the individual awardees was a clear desire to do good work and to improve student experiences, all while making their workplaces more positive places to be for the people around them.
A special thanks goes to this year’s awardees, and to all Classified Staff on campus for their commitment to Skyline College.
This year’s awardees are:
30 Year Service Award:
- Barbara Daley; Library Support Specialist
25 Year Service Award:
- David Hall; Instructional Aide
20 Year Service Award:
- Marta Cuellar; Bookstore Operations Assistant
- Eugene Garcia Jr.; Instructional Aide II
10 Year Service Award:
- Nancy Rosario Argarin; Senior Accounting Coordinator
- Marcella Escobar; Accounting Technician
- Angelica Gorostiza; Division Assistant
- Kennya Ruiz; Division Assistant