On Saturday, May 21, The Career Advancement Academy (CAA) proudly awarded certificates to their spring 2016 Automotive Technology cohort at the annual Automotive Banquet hosted here at Skyline College. These students have successfully completed the entry-level automotive program and will receive their entry-level automotive technician certificates. They have also met the prerequisites for the full-time Automotive Programs offered here at Skyline College.
CAA students were well represented throughout the awards portion of the night with many current and former CAA students receiving additional recognition, including: Alejandro Ochoa (fall 2015) and Daniel Swan (spring 2016) who received top student honors for academic excellence in their respective cohorts. Tarik Najdawi, current President of the Auto Tech club, also received a Department Service Award for his hard work and dedication to the program, while Michael Freyman and Esther Son were awarded student of the month for January and April 2016.
The Career Advancement Academy creates bridges to higher-wage careers and additional opportunities in higher education by integrating career and technical training, basic skills courses, and support systems. Currently, the Skyline College CAA has programs in Allied Health, Automotive, Education, Biotechnology, and Legal Careers.
Career Advancement Academy Spring 2016 Students and Faculty pictured from left to right: Daniel Swan, Jun Hao Chen, Benjamin Fotter, Irving Dominguez, Julia Johnson, Edwin Estebes, Estefhany Ruiz-Ortiz, Leticia Jarquin-Sanchez, Cody Dragon, and Jeremy Evangelista.
For more information about Career Advancement Academy contact, Jeremy Evangelista.
Article by Jeremy Evangelista