Skyline CollegeA group identifying themselves as 30+ students and faculty from all three colleges have sent out a “Call to Action” to organize a walkout on Monday, November 21 at 10:30 a.m. Participants will convene in the quad at Skyline College. The intent of the walkout is to demonstrate unity and “solidarity with communities that continue to be targeted and dehumanized during the shift in socio-political climate.” Organizers of the event aim to “stand together to provide protection and healing for one another and encourage and foster empowerment, safety, acceptance, and love.”

As an educational institution that values the rights to free speech, peaceful political discourse and civic engagement, Skyline College encourages faculty and staff to be mindful of students who wish to participate in the walkout.

Skyline College supports students as they give voice to issues of importance and engage each other and the broader community in a thoughtful, public dialogue. The college will have resources available to provide a supportive environment.

Article by Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud