Skyline College is committed to growing educational opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) for all our students. As part of this commitment, Skyline College will become a National STEM Connector, joining other higher education institutions and industry organizations around the country in a partnership that connects top leaders in the field through initiatives that rapidly connect and leverage the world of STEM and help supporters in their investments to build a STEM pipeline and workforce.
Skyline College President, Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud will serve on the STEM Higher Education Council of STEMconnector as part of the Diversity Committee. The Council builds on the energy of others in support of boundary-breaking collaborations between higher education and industry to achieve impactful results that can be recognized and scaled up. Skyline College joins other institutions and organizations, including Howard University, Rutgers, UC Davis, Tuskegee University, DeMoines Area Community College, Cengage Learning and Base11, Western Governors University and many others on the Higher Education Council
“Joining STEMconnector is a clear opportunity for the college to bolster its STEM offerings,” said Dr. Stanback Stroud. “Developing partnerships with industry and other colleges and universities who share a common commitment is essential to remaining at the cutting edge of the STEM field. I am looking forward to engaging in a robust and productive dialogue as part of the Higher Education Council.”
STEMconnector describes itself as a “Consortium of companies, nonprofit associations and professional societies, STEM-related research and policy organizations, government entities, universities and academic institutions concerned with STEM education and the future of human capital in the United States. As both a resource and service designed to link all things STEM, STEMconnector convenes its members and stakeholders through both physical and virtual events through STEM Councils and virtual STEM Town Halls and Google Hangouts that regularly reach over 500 thought leaders. STEMconnector focuses on the STEM workforce and jobs, with a particular emphasis on diversity and women. The organization’s work spans the entire pipeline (K-J Kindergarten — Jobs) and how STEM Education experiences translate into careers. The STEMconnector team advises and counsels their members and partners to ensure the best STEM practices and scalable investments. STEMconnector® helps other organizations determine programs whose outcomes meet their desired objectives and needs.
Recently, Dr. Stroud joined a host of national speakers including Dr. Martha Kanter, Executive Director, College Promise Campaign and Former Under-Secretary of Education with the US Department of Education, Balaji Ganapathy, head-Workforce Effectiveness North America, William Hansen, President and CEO of USA Funds and Edie Fraser, CEO, STEMconnector, to name a few.
Article by Connor Fitzpatrick