YEP’s fall 2013 Business Plan Competition is currently underway! The Youth Entrepreneurship Program at Skyline College (YEP), in conjunction with, Cañada College and College of San Mateo, kicked off this semester’s bi-annual competition with a series of exciting orientations and workshops.
On October 1 and October 9, YEP held two orientations for the Business Plan Competition participants. Both orientations were followed by workshops led by Skyline College faculty and Marketing Industry Professionals. Tuesday’s workshop was led by Business Instructor, Soledad McCarthy and focused on the role, importance, and overall impact of social media on small businesses. Wednesday’s workshop was led by David Appelbaum, Vice President of Marketing at Moka5 and focused on the marketing methods that students should consider when starting out their small businesses. The orientations were designed to give the students an in depth view of the competition and an opportunity to ask questions. Both sessions were attended by over 40 students from Skyline College and throughout the district.
Students participating in the competition are eligible to receive one-on-one coaching and mentoring from business owners, CITD representatives and faculty to refine and perfect their business plans. Cash prizes will be awarded to three winning business plans to help support their start-up business ideas.
The competition will culminate in a Final’s Round. Students will have the opportunity to present or “pitch” their business plans to a panel of industry judges from various business backgrounds, and a chance to receive immediate feedback and suggestions to include in their plans. All plans that advance on to the finals round will be in the running for cash prizes totaling $3500!
We would like to invite all faculty, students and staff to attend the Finals Round & Awards Ceremony.
Please come out and support the students!
Date: December 3, 2013
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Location: Skyline College
For more information on the Business Plan Competition or on how to be involved in YEP, please contact Pcyeta Stroud:
Article by CITD Interns, Christopher Chang and Jose DeAnda, Photos by Pcyeta Jackson.