Skyline College hosted the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans on September 30, 2016. At the reception immediately following the event, the Western Region Council on Black American Affairs honored Chancellor Ron Galatolo and the SMCCCD Board of Trustees.
The Western Region Council on Black American Affairs presented the Award of Appreciation to Chancellor Galatolo for his outstanding, dedicated service and tireless work in leading the San Mateo County Community College District. His exemplary work shines through with the commitment to putting “Students First” and advancing the effort to have programs that are forward-thinking in order to meet industry demand. Chancellor Galatolo has also been a champion for innovation as he supports the efforts of the colleges to create an atmosphere of excellence.
WRCBAA also presented the SMCCCD Board of Trustees with an Award of Appreciation. Trustees, Maurice Goodman, Richard Holober, and Thomas Mohr attended. It was moving to hear Trustee Goodman end with a moving quote, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Clearly, the trustees are living proof of putting “Students First” as we honored the voices of African American students at the AfAmEdSummit.
Article by Dr. Tammy Robinson | Photo by Gino De Grandis