President of Skyline College, Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud will serve as keynote speaker for the Women’s Leadership Conference & Women’s Hall of Fame, hosted by the Commission on the Status of Women of San Mateo County on Saturday, March 24, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Cañada College.
Registration is open and costs $100 to attend the conference and the Women’s Hall of Fame reception. Visit the San Mateo County Women Lead website for more information and to register:
About The Conference:
Rather than asking women to change themselves to “better fit” the current culture, our speakers will talk about how they are driving systemic change in corporate culture, policy, compensation, and government representation to empower women and encourage their leadership style. Since 1988 women make up more than half the US population and outnumber men on college campuses and in degree completion. Yet their rise in the ranks of leadership, both in the political and business worlds, has plateaued. Women’s’ presence in top leadership positions—as law partners, university school deans, and corporate executive officers—remains below twenty percent. Female “share of voice,” the average proportion of representation on op-ed pages and corporate boards, as TV pundits, and in Congress—is just 15%. In fact, it’s now estimated that, at the current rate of change, women won’t reach parity with men in leadership roles in our country until 2085.* Living, as we do, at the epicenter of innovation, it is incumbent upon us to break out and bring this timetable to gender parity forward.