On December 1, 2022, students from the Music Department’s Violin/Viola class had the opportunity to perform for the children at the Child Development Laboratory Center. The class, which is a mix of students with past playing experience and students who are just learning to play the violin for the first time, prepared a set of popular children’s tunes and other selections.
The children were introduced to the different sounds that a violin can make, marched around the room to the sounds of a Scottish march and volunteered to be chickens to strut around to the fiddle tune Cluck Old Hen. The violin class also performed Twinkle, Twinkle and Pop Goes the Weasel, incorporating activities to engage the children’s listening skills and make connections to musical concepts throughout the performance.
The class has performed for the children before in past semesters, but it was the first time back since classes went remote in 2020. They hope to return again in future semesters.
The violin students new to learning violin appreciated the opportunity to perform for the very first time and enjoyed playing for the young children. Working together taught them ensemble skills and pushed them to prepare each of their individual parts well to come together as a strong group.
The Violin/Viola class is currently open for Spring 2023 enrollment. There are four levels of class enabling students with no musical experience to join and learn an instrument for the first time, as well as allowing students with past experience to continue their musical studies. Details on this class and others taught by assistant professor Elizabeth Ingber can be found in the WebSchedule.
Student Sherri Li, who has studied piano in the past, joined the violin class for the first time this semester. She was thankful to have the opportunity to learn a new instrument and expressed her belief that “it is never too late to learn music.” Michele Pelter who thought she’d be “squeaking for at least a few more years” is thrilled to be able to play with a clear tone and play recognizable pieces. She has even written out some holiday music to learn on her own for the upcoming season. Patti Leggett-Wantz, also a first-time student, and new to violin, reported that the class was a “great community to learn music with and it’s amazing much progress you can make in a semester. It’s fun!”
Article by Elizabeth Ingber