We have some quick updates on major web upgrades we will be working on over the break.
1) ITS is working with a vendor, Avepoint, to assist us in upgrading from Sharepoint 2007 to Sharepoint 2012 using Office365. Our goal is to have all your sites migrated before Spring semester. We will contact site owners to kick the tires on the new version before we go live.
2) ITS is working with the Instruction Designer/DE Coordinators at your colleges to upgrade WebAccess/Moodle to WebAccess 2+. New version will be launch January 8th, 2014
Spring 2014 courses are loaded and ready for you to begin building or moving your courses: https://smccdfreshstart.mrooms.net/
If you have questions please contact your college Instruction Designer/DE Coordinators:
Cañada – Jane Rice ricej@smccd.edu
CSM – Alexis Alexander alexandera@smccd.edu
Skyline College – Ricardo Flores floresr@smccd.edu
Article by Jasmine Witham, Image by Jared Martin.