Trio Kickoff CelebrationThe TRiO Student Support Services program braved the rain and wind on Friday, February 6 to celebrate the beginning of Skyline College’s spring semester.

The TRiO kickoff event is an opportunity for SSS scholars to bond with their peers, re-familiarize themselves with TRiO services, and to welcome and introduce new students to the rest of the TRiO family.  This celebration, held every semester, also serves as a chance for the TRiO staff to reintroduce themselves and to offer some words of encouragement to the TRiO cohort.  This spring the TRiO program was especially lucky to receive nuggets of knowledge from Skyline College colleagues Melanie Espinueva (Puente Counselor), as well as Interim Vice President of Student Services, Carsbia Anderson.

The TRiO students, staff, faculty and guests were treated to a scrumptious pizza lunch and participated in team-building activities.  In addition the SSS scholars received pertinent information on upcoming TRiO events which include, but are not limited to, National TRiO Day at Cañada College, campus visits to UC Davis, Stanford University and UC Berkeley, our TRiO day of service at the San Francisco Food Bank, as well as a visit to EA Sports for those students who may be considering careers in graphic design and computer/video game development.  As is tradition, TRiO closed the event with a drawing sponsored by colleagues at the Skyline College Bookstore.

While TRiO is absolutely thrilled with the success of the current SSS scholars the program is always on the lookout for new TRiO students.  To obtain a TRiO SSS application please visit or come to the TRiO SSS office located in the Learning Center of Building 5.  For more information, call (650) 738-4144.

Article by Andrea Gabriel