A Transfer Initiative Advisory Committee has been set up with the goal of bringing faculty and staff together to explore how we can achieve the goal of increasing Skyline College transfer rates to four year universities. Specifically, this committee will focus on how we can impact Skyline College’s Transfer Culture.

The first meeting was held on September 17, 2013 and 20 faculty and staff attended. Participants took time defining transfer culture and broke into groups to answer the question: “What would Skyline College look like with a thriving Transfer Culture?”

initiativetransferAt the second meeting on October 29, 2013, participants worked in groups to prioritize the ideas as high, medium, and low priority to help focus and guide the work of the committee in the coming months. It was an engaging discussion that generated many new ideas! Among some of these ideas suggestions were to make changes in the areas of outreach, cross-divisional collaboration, and overall system changes. Final priorities will be set at the final meeting this semester on November 19, 2013 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. If you are interested in joining the Transfer Initiative Advisory Committee and being a part of changing how we see Transfer at Skyline College, please contact Suzanne Poma at pomas@smccd.edu or RSVP with Michele Haggar, at haggarm@smccd.edu.

For more information, please visit the Transfer Center online.

Article by Suzanne Poma, Photo by Michele Haggar.