The Wall That HealsThe Wall That Heals, a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, visited the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno from April 9-12, 2015. Skyline College students, staff and administration attended the opening ceremony on April 9 which included speakers, color guard, music, a rifle volley and Taps. San Mateo County Community College District representatives were also present. Many Skyline College students, faculty, staff and administration visited throughout the weekend and participated as volunteers.

The Wall That Heals honors more than three million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces during the Vietnam War. The 24 panels that make up The Wall bear the names of the more than 58,000 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. The exhibit also includes a mobile education center comprised of photos of service members whose names are on The Wall, letters and memorabilia left at The Wall in Washington, D.C., a map of Vietnam and a chronological overview of the conflict in Vietnam. Not only was this event a healing opportunity for many veterans and family members of those impacted by the Vietnam War, but it was also a great opportunity for San Mateo County to honor veterans for their service and to welcome them home.

Thank you to all of the Skyline College representatives who participated in this event and an extra special thank you to the Associated Students of Skyline College and the Skyline College Veterans Club for their co-sponsorship along with the Skyline College Graphic Arts and Production department for their in-kind donations. We would also like to recognize the San Mateo County Community College District Facilities team for their support. The event was a great success and is a wonderful example of college and community organizations coming together to support a common cause.

Article by Gina Ciardella | Photos by Richard Jackson