The Skyline View clinched general excellence awards both for print and online journalism at the Journalism Association of Community Colleges NorCal Conference on Saturday, October 15.
The publication’s staff also won multiple first-place awards: Clayborne Go won first place for editorial cartoon; Dave Newlands took first-place for student-designed ad; Will Nacouzi, Brian Silverman and Maria Hom earned first place for online photo story/essay; and Abigayle Haguisan secured a first-place win in webcast/broadcast journalism. Andrew Avilla took home third place for photo illustration, Will Nacouzi received an honorable mention for inside page layout and the staff took third place for column writing.
Skyline View Adviser Nancy Kaplan-Biegel and 18 Skyline College students from all levels of the journalism program attended the day-long event at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, CA, where media professionals and educators gave a variety of workshops. Award-winning investigative journalist Karen de Sa, the keynote speaker, told the community college journalists that they were well positioned to diversify the newsrooms and the narratives that come from those newsrooms.
Written by Nancy Kaplan-Biegel