The Human Library has returned! Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 19, 2:00-4:00pm, for this popular virtual event hosted by Skyline College Library. The Human Library provides a chance to meet people from different backgrounds and learn about their experiences – particularly people who have felt the sting of prejudice, stigma, and marginalization.
At the Human Library, any member of our Skyline College community can enjoy a virtual conversation with a “human book,” usually a member of our community. It’s an opportunity to ask questions about their lives and the stories they have chosen to share, and receive honest answers in return. We call this being a “reader.”
Interested in sharing your story as a human book? Please fill out this initial participation interest form:
Interested in being a reader? By April you’ll be able to sign up for one or two courageous conversations, as book descriptions will be available then, too.
Everything you need to know is here,, including all of our previous books described in the Human Book Archive.
Faculty are encouraged to provide credit for student participation.
Questions? Please contact Pia Walawalkar, Equity & Outreach Librarian <>. We look forward to seeing you at the Human Library!
-The Library Staff