Are you interested in how successful Skyline College is in reaching its goals? Are we reaching our benchmarks in retention and success? number of students attaining financial aid and counseling? overall productivity? professional development? fiscal stability? The updated Balanced Scorecard (BC) is available here. Check out which areas we are excelling in (the green circles) and which areas warrant further discussion (the red circles). The BC is an easy-to-view one page handout, and the “Outcomes Measures Data Dictionary” defines the measures, articulates the benchmarks, and identifies the Skyline College initiatives that are pertinent to them.
The Institutional Planning Committee will review and possibly revise the Balanced Scorecard this year, and we welcome your feedback. Please contact Interim Dean of PRIE, David Ulate, or your division representative if you have any feedback.
Article By Karen Wong, Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness.