The Center for Student Life & Leadership Development as well as our ASSC is very pleased to inform our campus community that our ASSC General Elections 2021-2022 was a huge success! Due to COVID-19 & our campus being closed, we held a 100% online election. On the morning of Tuesday, May 4th – all registered Skyline students were emailed a ballot that allowed them to vote from the comfort of their own devices at home. On Thursday, May 6th – the polls closed up and on Friday, May 7th, the Center for Student Life announced the names of the new council for student government who will begin their term this summer on August 1st, 2021.


Each candidate has won for the following positions to serve ASSC 2021-2022:

President: Anthony Tran

Vice President: Angel Gomez Navarro

Commissioner of Public Records: Chantal San Felipe



Allen Bustos

Theresa Calingasan

Caroline Cotton

Felagot Desta

Tara Grover

Glenn Robert Veloya

Marlon Villalobos

Chris Wong

Max Wong


A notable mention is that we also found our Skyline College Candidate for SMCCCD Student Trustee 2021-2022 Nominee which is a very well spoken & organized student named Shannon Hoang. Shannon will now move onto the next phase of Student Trustee election rounds which is with DSC. The DSC is our District Student Council made up of the AS Presidents and Vice Presidents from Skyline College, CSM and Canada – this is chaired by the current Student Trustee Jade Shonette. At the DSC meeting, the Student Life Managers & their officers will interview the candidates then hold a mini election for the 6 executives to vote on. We wish Shannon the very best of luck as she embarks on this endeavor! Fingers crossed; our new Student Trustee will be chosen soon.


To view the full list of our ASSC Election Results please the school website which is: – in addition, daily updates & ASSC posts can be found on their Instagram @skylineassc.

Article by Ryan Samn

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