On January 7, 2014, the International Students Program (ISP) at Skyline College sponsored the New International Student Orientation Day which included orientation, placement testing, and counseling. For Spring 2014 semester, the ISP program has welcomed and enrolled 32 new international students to the College; this is in addition to approximately 70 students currently enrolled. This mandatory event highlights some important guidelines on how to succeed as an F-1 student, and provides useful information regarding immigration rules and regulations, housing, transportation, and other key campus and community resources.
The day started off with a welcome and introduction of staff by Chris Rico, interim ISP Project Director. The event speakers were Richard Soyombo, Dean of Global Learning Programs, and Dr. John Mosby, Dean of Enrollment Services. Diane Arguijo, SMCCCD International Education Director, was also on hand to welcome new international students to the District and conduct a short survey of our students. The day’s program was divided into three sessions: 1) Campus/Academic Information; 2) How to Succeed as an International Student, and; 3) Student Support Information. In the afternoon, students were given an opportunity to interact with their fellow ISP students and ask questions in the Q&A part of the program.
The ISP program provides academic and personal support to students as they transition to the American culture and way of life. Moreover, The program helps manage projects that supports international education and strive to enhance partnership with programs such as the Study Abroad Program, African Diaspora Program, and Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) to name a few.
For questions or inquiries, please contact the Skyline College International Students Program at (650) 738-4430, or send an e-mail to skyinternational@smccd.edu.
Article by Chris Rico | Photo by Raul Guerra