The Skyline College International Student Program (ISP) and International Student Club presented a cultural spotlight event on Malaysia on March 20, 2017. The event was done with the intent of entertaining and educating people about what the Southeast Asian country has to offer.
The crowd was immersed in Malaysian culture and it was a lively affair. They indulged in some Malaysian delicacies, got involved in an indigenous game called “Mancala” and witnessed the students perform “Tarian Wau Bulan,”a tribal dance in Malaysia. They also read posters that informed the audience about the infrastructure, currency and national symbols of the country. Students’ names were in Arabic. The event also showcased traditional Malay candle art making. The organizers of the event got people involved by bringing native Malaysian attire which members of the audience were able to try on and take photos.
Overall, the event turned out very well and the spectators walked away with a taste of the Malaysian lifestyle. Everyone definitely learned something new!
ISP and ISC will host more cultural events during the semester. Please check our Facebook page or contact ISP office at for more information.
Article by Naledi Mthembu | Photo by Rossmia Coo