The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) held its first meeting for Fall 2017 on Thursday, September 28, 2017.
Adoption of District Metrics
Aaron McVean, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning, and Jacqueline Honda, Interim Dean of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness, gave an update on the District Strategic Plan, which focuses on Students First, Student Success, Equity and Social Justice. They shared the newly developed college metrics for measuring student success and completion. A Task Force designed the targets to be aspirational yet also realistic. The metrics were presented to the Board and can be found here: The committee discussed the metrics and recommended adopting the goals to the College Governance Council for review.
Accreditation Timeline
Dean Honda shared the upcoming accreditation timetable with the committee. The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) had recently undergone some changes. One of the changes is the Self Study is expected to be written concisely and technically, no more than 100 pages compared to the prior one of 500 pages. The projected timeline can be viewed here:
SMCCCD 2017-18 Final Budget
The committee briefly reviewed the 2017-18 District Final Budget. The Budget details can be viewed at
2017-2018 Fund 1 Adopted Budget
Eloisa Briones, Vice President of Administrative Services, shared the Adopted Budget for Skyline College. She noted the budget is based on 7,346 FTES and load of 525. The FTES goal is an increase from the Tentative Budget of 7,242 FTES. The total budget is $41,772,341.
District Committee on Budget and Finance Update
The committee also received a report from Judy Hutchinson and Eloisa Briones on the first meeting of the District Committee on Budget and Finance. Highlights included the San Mateo County Community College District 2017-18 Budget, OPEB and Retirement Trust fund information, Public Safety report as well as update colleges’ Promise programs. All three colleges have implemented a Promise Scholars program. The District has implemented of some of the 71 recommendations included in the Public Safety study conducted by consultants Margolis/Healy earlier this year. The study as well as Management Recommendations will be released in the near future.
The next meeting is October 26, 2017 (Thursday) from 2:10 to 4:00 p.m. in Room 6-203.
Article by Judy Hutchinson