The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) met on Thursday, March 11, 2021.

Ernesto Hernandez, Interim Director of Guided Pathways and Comprehensive Redesign provided an update on the Comprehensive Redesign initiative at Skyline. Success Teams by Meta Majors have been established and active.  The Program Pathway Mapper, a one-stop website is scheduled to launch in Fall 2021.  This online tool will feature a Career Dashboard, Program Learning Outcomes, Program Maps along with course recommendations. Students will also be able to make appointments online directly.  For more information, please see Meta Majors and Guided Pathways

Over the past several meetings, members reviewed three budget scenarios to allocate Fund 1 resources that are available for FY 2020-21. They were able to obtain feedback from their constituents. Scenario 3 prevailed with the majority of the member votes. This recommendation will next go to the College Governance Council for their action on the FY2020-21 budget.

Tri-chair Ingrid Vargas shared transfer data from 2014 through 2020 with the committee. For in-state public institutions, University of California – Davis and San Francisco State University are the top transfer destinations for our students.  More information can be found at PRIE Data Dashboards.

The Committee also voted on Institutional-set Standard and Aspirational goals for the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) Annual Report due in April 2021. At a prior meeting, Tri-Chair Vargas presented and led the discussion on the goals recommended by the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC). Historical data can be found on the Skyline College Scorecard .

 Vote to recommend to CGC that the recommendations of the CPR Redesign Task Force be accepted and implemented.

SPARC meets on the second and the last Thursday of the month from 2:10 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For additional information, please see

Article by Judy Hutchinson

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