The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) held their first meeting for FY 2019-20 on Thursday, September 12, 2019.
SPARC tri-Chair Ingrid Vargas, Dean of Planning, Research, Innovation and Institutional Effectiveness, led the discussion on the committee charge and purview. The committee charge is to coordinate, integrate and communicate college wide budget and planning, and to make recommendations to the College Governance Council (CGC). The committee also reviewed member responsibilities which include to report and discuss SPARC items to represented area(s) and bring feedback to SPARC; to understand the planning and resource allocation process; to review Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) reports and to provide valuable feedback on the CPR process. For a list of SPARC members, see the Compendium Fall 2019 (see page 17).
Interim President Jannett Jackson and Vargas reviewed and obtained feedback from the committee on a new diagram depicting the existing Integrated Planning and Resource Allocation Model Process. Dr. Jackson noted that she will be forming a short-term workgroup to review college committee structures as part of the evaluation of the participatory governance process. The workgroup will make a recommendation to the CGC in Spring 2020.
Paul Cassidy, Finance and Operations Manager, presented an overview of the College adopted budget for FY 2019-20. The Board of Trustees adopted the district final budget during its meeting on September 11, 2019. Details of the final budget are available at FY 2019-20 Adopted Budget. Between the approval of the Tentative Budget in May and the adoption of the Final Budget, the college site allocation increased by $1.1M. SPARC will make a recommendation to CGC on how these ongoing dollars will be allocated.
Vice President of Instruction Dr. Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza and Vice President of Student Services Dr. Angelica Garcia provided a brief history of the Comprehensive College Redesign, and the strategies described in the Education Master Plan to achieve the goals of the Redesign. The college priorities for FY 2019-20 include the AB705 design and implementation, Guided Pathways/Meta Majors, Counseling Redesign, High Impact Practices (E-portfolio), Zero Textbook Cost and Online Educational Resources, Programs and Online Degree Development and Dual Enrollment.
The Committee was presented with several budget scenarios for initial review and discussion. SPARC will discuss further at the next meeting, and provide additional information so members can present the budget scenarios to their divisions/constituencies and request feedback. SPARC will make final deliberations and a recommendation to CGC when it meets on October 10th.
Next meeting is September 26, 2019 (Thursday) from 2:10 to 4:00 p.m. in Room 4-301
Article by Judy Hutchinson