The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) met on April 23, 2019.
SPARC received an update on District Committee on Budget and Finance (DCBF) meeting held on April 16, 2019. Highlights include the Vice Chancellor of Facilities Planning and Maintenance and Operations presentation on Phase 3 of the Capital Improvement Plan.
Additionally, the 2018-2019 second period Apportionment Attendance Report showed a positive increase to the Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) at Skyline College compared to the first period report.
Vice President of Administration, Eloisa Briones, gave a preliminary budget update showing that the Tentative Budget Site Allocation for Fund 1 was more favorable than previously anticipated.
The Committee administered a survey seeking feedback on the Comprehensive Program Review process. Feedback from the 10 programs that underwent the CPR in 2018-2019 academic year was also solicited. Survey results from both the SPARC and the CPR Completers were shared at the May 9, 2019 SPARC meeting.
Dean of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness, Ingrid Vargas, shared with the committee the proposal to align the institutional goals with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Vision For Success in these areas: Completion, Transfer, Unit Accumulation, Workforce and Equity. The goals are to be achieved within five years from the base year of 2016-2017. After discussion, the committee moved to recommend the goals to the College Governance Committee.
Will Minnich, Dean of Enrollment Services and one of the Tri-Chairs of the Accreditation Steering Committee, updated the Committee on the Institutional Self Evaluation (ISER). For more details, click here.
Further information can be found on the SPARC website.
Article by Judy Hutchinson