The Skyline College Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) met on Thursday, April 12, 2018.
Recommendation to Adopt the Annual Program Review (APP) Prompts, Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) prompts, and Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) rubric
Jacque Honda, Interim Dean of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness, led the discussion to review the revised Annual Program Plan and Comprehensive Program Review prompts and rubric to evaluate CPRs. Having been piloted the past year, the APP and CPR prompts were revised to better align with each other and make the APP less cumbersome. The SPARC committee moved to adopt the prompts and the rubric. Dean Honda noted that these prompts and the rubric will be widely disseminated to inform the college community.
Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) Implementation.
Dean Honda and Karen Wong, Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness, gave an overview of the proposed process in which CPRs will be reviewed by SPARC and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC). In the past, CPRs were the purview of the Curriculum Committee, but now the CPR will be SPARC’s purview, and the assessment analyses will be the IEC’s. CPR training will take place in the spring before the scheduled CPR so that the program undergoing review can consult with the appropriate bodies for assistance in the fall (e.g., program data with PRIE, course outlines with the Curriculum Committee), and then present to SPARC in the spring. SPARC members will break out into work teams to meet with their designated programs to ensure that the major program components are covered before the full committee presentation. There will be additional training for SPARC members on the new processes. Separate from the CPR presentation, the Curriculum Committee will still review the course curriculum component.
Next meeting is April 26, 2018 (Thursday) from 2:10 to 4:00 p.m. in Room 4
Article by Judy Hutchinson