The Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) met on March 9, 2015. Academic Senate President Kate Williams-Browne, VP of Administrative Services Eloisa Briones, and Dean of PRIE Aaron McVean co-chaired the meeting.
Budget: Vice President of Administrative Services Eloisa Briones reviewed tentative budget scenarios for FY 2015-16 for consideration by the committee. Based on projections of potential District deficit budgets beginning in FY 2016-17, a ‘status quo’ budget scenario was presented for Skyline College that showed the resulting deficit for the College if proactive steps were not taken. As a result, three alternative scenarios were presented for how to approach replacing vacant faculty and staff positions in order to maintain a conservative approach to expenditures until more positive revenue projections emerge. The SPARC unanimously voted to recommend adoption of the first scenario, replacing two faculty and one classified staff position, and encouraged the administration to responsibly consider replacing more positions should monies become available. Members of the committee thanked the administration and encouraged continued transparency with the SPARC.
President Regina Stanback Stroud was present to provide further clarification and answer the questions from members of SPARC. The committee was reassured that there was a high level of advocacy taking place at the District to ensure that as funding becomes available through resource allocation mechanisms such as the Innovation Fund, that those funds come to Skyline College. The May Revise released by the Governor’s Office was also discussed as it presents an optimistic picture of the State budget, which should benefit both the District and Skyline College pending approval by the legislature.
Planning: The SPARC recommended a change to the Student Learning Outcome Assessment Committee (SLOAC) name, charge, and membership to that of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC). The IEC would become a standing sub-committee that recommends to the SPARC. The SPARC unanimously voted to recommend the change to the College Governance Committee (CGC).