The Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee met on February 26, 2015. Eloisa Briones (VP Administrative Services), Kate Browne (Academic Senate President), and Aaron McVean (Dean of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness) co-chaired the meeting.
An update was provided on the District Strategic Planning process. Following the forum held on February 12, feedback on gaps that were identified during that work session was provided to the District steering committee for consideration. Everyone is invited to the next District Strategic Planning Forum that will be held on Wednesday, March 18 at 2:00 p.m.
Executive Vice Chancellor Kathy Blackwood presented the highlights of the Governor’s 2015-16 Budget Proposal and noted implications for the District. Should the proposal to pay down outstanding mandate claims get approved, the District will receive about $6 million in one-time unrestricted funds for 2015-16. Vice Chancellor Blackwood also shared multi-year budget projections from 2015-16 to 2017-18, using assumptions based on current information. Revenues are projected to increase over the next three years. However, projected expenditures will exceed revenue increases during the same time period, leaving the District in a potential deficit situation. Seeking additional revenues and looking for cost savings will be the strategy to avoid that eventuality. Kathy reminded SPARC that changes should be expected until the budget is finalized.
Vice President of Administrative Services Eloisa Briones then presented the three-year projection for Skyline College. Using the new resource allocation model that will be implemented beginning next year, the College’s General Unrestricted Fund 1 allocation is projected to decline. Similar to the District as a whole, expenditures are projected to continue to increase, leaving the College facing significant deficits by mid-2016-17 if proactive steps are not taken. Steps being considered to increase revenues and decrease expenditures were discussed in response to these projections.
The final allocation projection for the 2015-16 year will be released following approval of the final State budget in June.
SPARC will meet again on March 19, 2015.
Article by Eloisa Briones and Aaron McVean